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Training Update By Sundried Ambassador Andrew Jones

Training Update By Sundried Ambassador Andrew Jones Sundried Activewear

Sundried ambassador training update triathlon

Training is going really well and the longer summer nights are coming into play; it’s great to be outside. Event-wise I have just finished competing in the Welsh national sprint championships and had equally good weather. The sprint format is always tough when it’s 100% on the pace from the start. For longer events you can sometimes build into a full race pace but I love the format of a sprint.

My next big target is in San Francisco and I’ll be heading out in just over 10 days to get ready to race the Escape from Alcatraz triathlon, which is a must do and on everyone’s bucket list.

Read Sundried's 2018 Escape From Alcatraz triathlon race report.

I can’t wait to do it! It’s a challenging swim from the island followed by a very challenging bike ride and very elevated run, but it looks amazing. It’s a very special race and I feel very lucky to have got a place.

Sundried will be keeping me cool whilst in the states and I’ll be taking my favourite pieces with me. After San Francisco, it will be back to training in Wales and London and gearing up for a summer of competing.

The season in the UK is reasonably short so it’s challenging and also incredibly exciting to fit in all the events and sometimes have a quick turnaround. I’m very lucky to live close to the sea and have incredible hills and also beautiful cycle routes and trail run paths to fine-tune my trade. I can’t wait to see what the second half of 2019 brings. Training has gone well and it’s time to dive in and get the job done!

About the author: Andrew Jones is a triathlete and Sundried ambassador.

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