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Millie Breese - Athlete Ambassador

Millie Breese - Athlete Ambassador

Have you always been into sport?

I have always loved sport from a young age, it started with running and then progressed to triathlon but I love any sport.

How did you first get into triathlon?

I got into triathlon as my older brother joined the local tri club (Alnwick tri club) which I later joined when I was old enough and then my love for triathlon grew from there. I have now progressed to the England next generation squad.

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What has been your favourite race to date and why?

My favourite race has to be super league Jersey triathlon where I came 3rd. It was really good as we raced on the same course on the same day as all the professional triathletes. It was also a different format which meant we did two super short triathlons, one after the other. 

What is your proudest achievement?

My proudest achievement is winning one of the national triathlon super series event and coming 2nd at the British championships, which were both at Mallory park racing circuit. 

Have you ever had any racing disasters?

The only racing disasters I have had are not being able to find my bike in transition and having to spend loads of time looking for it. 

How do you overcome setbacks?

If I have a setback I just try and refocus and think about what I did wrong that I can improve and practice for next time so I don't make the same mistake, I use the setback to help me improve.

What advice do you wish you'd been given when you first started out?

The only advice you need is just to have fun and enjoy it.

What are your goals?

My goals for next few years are to qualify for Europeans either youth or junior, but in the future I would love to reach the Olympics.

Who inspires you?

All the professional triathletes inspire me but I think Georgia Taylor-Brown and Jess Learmonth inspire me the most. 

Why work with Sundried?

I want to work with Sundried so I can be part of a group of people who all love sport and want to help grow their sport and help promote a really good brand who have good quality sustainable sport clothing.

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