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Joseph Thomas Athlete Ambassador

by Alexandra Parren
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runner marathon athlete

Joseph is a runner who has his sights set on an ultra marathon. He talks to Sundried about training and racing.

Have you always been into sport?

I'd say I've always had an on and off relationship with sport. Through the years I did football, climbing, cycling, swimming, running, golf, tennis, cricket and anything else I got told to try! But the first sport I ever loved was windsurfing, which I started when I was 11. That love was swiftly accompanied by a love for running. Even if I fade in and out of fitness, I always find myself having that urge to get back to these sports and remember why I love them.

How did you first get into triathlon?

Whilst I'd predominantly consider myself a runner, I have tried a few triathlons. The first one I ever did, I had to borrow a bike and only did it because of a semi-sarcastic suggestion in school when I was 15/16. I enjoyed it immensely and have done a few more whenever I've found the opportunity.

What has been your favourite race to date and why?

Probably the Chester Marathon. It was my first ever marathon and every second was painful bliss!

What is your proudest achievement?

I think it's coming through mental health issues I've suffered with since I was a teenager. Everything else aside, being able to come through incredibly tough times and improve and recover is a massive achievement, whoever you are.

Have you ever had any racing disasters?

I did an off-road race at the start of 2020, just a few weeks after having my tonsils out. I'd lost 3kg by being unable to eat properly and felt terrible. It took me over an hour to finish the 8km and at the start of the second lap I fell over and face planted hard!

How do you overcome setbacks?

It's about re-shaping your perspective. If a race goes badly, it's still good training. If you have a rubbish training run, it makes you appreciate the good runs. If you get injured, it gives you chance to work on other things.

What advice do you wish you'd been given when you first started out?

Buy the right shoes!

What are your goals?

In 2021, I want to do my first ultra marathon and set a PB in every distance from 5km to marathon.

Who inspires you?

I watched a documentary by Billy Yang about ultra running and since then I've been amazed by so many who run these incredibly long distances. I also love content creators who talk about bigger issues beyond just the running. If I had to pick three people it would be Kaci Lickteig, Tina Muir and Joseph Gray.

Why work with Sundried?

Our planet and its resources are finite and we need to protect it. Running is such a throwaway industry with clothing, gels, medals and everything else that we go through. Having sustainable and accessible running clothing is vital.

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