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The Bosson Twins - Sundried Brand Ambassadors

The Bosson Twins - Sundried Brand Ambassadors

Sundried cycle ambassador triathlon

The Bosson twins are two triathletes who have huge ambitions for the future. They talk to Sundried about training and racing.

Have you always been into sport?

Joe: Big yes – whatever sport I could do, football being a main one, but when I realised I was never going to be the next Beckham or Scholes (and also broke my knee) that faded out. But yes, swimming, hockey, rugby, cross country, javelin, horse riding, biathlon, netball, basketball and so on.

Beth: Not really, I used to play netball at school and enjoy going to the gym but had never really been into sport until I got into cycling 5 years ago.

How did you first get into triathlon?

Joe: My older sister and her friend decided to do the Leeds Castle Triathlon one year and I thought it sounded fun – I had a road bike at this point and from then on I haven’t stopped – I think I came top 30 out of 250 for my first Standard Distance.

Beth: My whole family had done a triathlon, including my parents, so I had to give it a go!

What has been your favourite race to date and why?

Joe: Definitely, Glasgow European Championships 2018, the buzz of having the set-up the same as the pros and being part of a team was incredible. Or the Sani2c - a three-day, 265-kilometre mountain bike stage race. For anyone that is into mountain bike stage races, this is amazing.

Beth: Leeds Castle 2019. This is one of my favourite triathlons (because it was where I did my first), the weather is always nice and the course is great (apart from the hilly run). The 2019 triathlon was even better because I got to stand on the podium with my brother!

triathlon triathletes podium Leeds Castle Kent Triathlon 2019

What is your proudest achievement?

Joe: Glasgow GB Team – I didn’t really know what I was looking to achieve when I first started triathlon but being able to represent GB was a goal and being able to do that was amazing – now it's looking to win them!

Beth: Qualifying for the age group ITU World Championships!

Have you ever had any racing disasters?

Joe: I’ve been quite lucky in races but in training, too many! They mostly involve me falling, with the biggest being a training ride on my MTB and going straight over the handle bars down Table Mountain and cutting open my knee to the bone.

Beth: Almost having a panic attack in the water at the Eton triathlon.

How do you overcome setbacks?

Joe: For me, it’s just to keep persevering knowing that there is a larger goal at the end. Sometimes setbacks can actually help me have more drive, as it gives me a reason to push harder.

Beth: Remind myself that I’m doing it because I enjoy it and that setbacks are all part of it.

What advice do you wish you'd been given when you first started out?

Joe: Practise cornering, interval sessions and swim more!

Beth: Just enjoy it! And train harder.

mountain adventure travel fitness

What are your goals?

Joe: Currently, it will be to win the World and European Age Group Championships and then look into a few Ironman triathlons (I quite fancy a trip to Hawaii).

Beth: To keep getting better until it gets easier.

Who inspires you?

Joe: I think any athlete that has managed to reach the pinnacle of their sport. As the Olympics have been postponed this year, there has been a lot of coverage of previous years and you can see the passion and work that goes into reaching the height of their individual sport and that’s what inspires me.

Beth: My parents! Seeing them take on mammoth sporting events inspires me to keep working hard and knowing that if they can do it, so can I!

Why work with Sundried?

Joe: Funnily enough, the first race I won, I won a Sundried water bottle, so this is where I had first heard of the brand. But it was important to me that if I was to be working alongside a brand, that they would have to have the same shared values. Values that put purpose over profit, a brand that has a conscience and strives to do the best they can. Whether this is knowing that the people directly within the brand are looked after, or that everything is being done to have a positive impact on the world.

Beth: Because it’s great that they combine high quality products with an ethical approach! It is important for everybody to do their part to help create a sustainable and ethical environment and Sundried’s brand means that I can continue to buy great products whilst keeping an ethical conscience.

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