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Mark Haigh Athlete Ambassador

Mark Haigh Athlete Ambassador

triathlon Ironman race Sundried athlete ambassador running

Mark is a triathlete who is aiming for Team GB Age Group qualification. He talks to Sundried about life as a triathlete. 

Have you always been into sport?

Yes, from a young age. I was mainly involved in team sports, playing anything I could find time to play. I played county football and cricket from a young age and I also just enjoyed being outside and active and would try my hand at any sport.

What made you decide to enter the world of triathlon?

I was watching the Brownlee brothers in the 2012 Olympics and it inspired me to get out there and try it.

What’s been your favourite race to date and why?

My favourite race to date has to be Ironman UK, this was my second ever triathlon and it was a great feeling crossing the finish line!

And your proudest achievement?

Completing my first Ironman triathlon (which was only my second ever triathlon) in 10 hours 34 minutes.

Have you ever had any racing disasters/your toughest race yet?

My toughest race to date was a duathlon that was early in the year and very cold! Trying to control the bike with cold hands and putting shoes on was hard going as well as keeping myself motivated to get through and keep going.

Another tough race was the Immortal Half at Farmoor. The swim didn’t go well after receiving an elbow to the face at the start of the race. I had to swim virtually the whole race with a cracked google which was leaking water. I gritted my teeth and had to try to master the skill of emptying one goggle at speed.

cycling triathlon Sundried ambassador athlete

What advice do you wish you'd been given before you started competing?

Consistency is key. It doesn’t always have to be a hard workout but try to keep it consistent across a few months and you will start to see big progress.

What are your goals for 2020?

Team GB Age Group qualification.

Who do you take your inspiration from?

All the other triathletes out there that are training hard and pushing me to compete against them.

What do you like about Sundried and what’s your favourite bit of our kit?

I love the eco ranges as the environment and the future are big passions of mine. I'm really looking forward to using the warm winter training clothing this year during training.

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