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Karle Howard Athlete Ambassador

Karle Howard Athlete Ambassador

mountain bike outdoors forest adventure

Karle enjoys getting stuck into his sport and has done some exciting races. He talks to Sundried about racing highs and lows.

Have you always been into sport?

I have always had an interest in sport, mainly cycling from an early age. I have grown to be much more competitive over the last 5-6 years and love to pin a number on my bag and race.

How did you first get into triathlon?

I think it took something like 15 years to actually do my first triathlon as I couldn’t swim. Having taught myself to do breaststroke, I entered a local pool-based triathlon in 2014, which I actually quite enjoyed!

What has been your favourite race to date and why?

My favourite race has to be the Trail X Cross Duathlon in 2018. It was in the New Forest and held in, what seemed to be, the middle of nowhere. The weather was typical late autumn and the course was superb as was the organisation. I finished the race with a massive smile, covered in mud, had nowhere to properly change and then had a 240 mile drive home.

What is your proudest achievement?

Representing GBR in Cross Duathlon as an age grouper is up there along with finishing Outlaw Half Holkham, having entered as a relay team and completing it solo as my swimmer was injured meaning that I had to complete my longest ever swim in a lake.

Have you ever had any racing disasters?

The biggest one coming back from the bike leg as part of a relay team at 70.3 Mallorca, having smashed it, only to find that my runner was still in the hotel having a snooze as they thought I would have been a little while longer!

I also entered a mid-week evening criterium after work and when getting my bike out of the car realised that I had left my front wheel in the garage some 50 odd miles away.

How do you overcome setbacks?

I try not to put too much pressure on myself. If something happens that causes me a setback then I will look to reflect, usually over the following days, on what I could have done to change the outcome. I am a strong believer in ‘control the controllables’.

What advice do you wish you'd been given when you first started out?

That you don’t need all the kit and that you should just go out and enjoy the race with no pressure on your result.

What are your goals?

I would like to qualify again for the GBR Cross Duathlon age group team and improve on my overall placing.

To maintain and improve my fitness and ability with my running and cycling.

Who inspires you?

The many people that you see at local events that are there for the first time competing with big smiles performing in front of family and friends that are standing out in the (usually) cold weather supporting and cheering on all the competitors.

Why work with Sundried?

I was hooked when reading about the ethics of the company and the high regard for the wellbeing of their staff, suppliers and athletes along with their recognition of the need for sustainably, innovation and ethical production which allows everyone to choose apparel that can have a huge impact on reducing waste, increasing recycling and building a community that, through small changes in our time conscious lives, can lead to a more positive and healthy lifestyle.

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