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6 Essentials Triathletes Should Keep In Their Gym Bag

6 Essentials Triathletes Should Keep In Their Gym Bag Triathlon Sundried Activewear

In any multi sport and the build up to specific events, we all tend to have the same issue: not having enough time. I'm currently traveling a lot so I have to be organised and well prepared. This includes having my bag packed and always ready for the next training session. Here are my triathlon essentials that I always have packed in my gym bag.

triathlete gym bag essentials

Foam Roller and Trigger Point Ball

Recovery is key after every session in order to be ready for the next one. So, as a massage is a luxury, grabbing a trigger point ball to get my muscles and tissue back in order the first 10-15 minutes after a workout is a great solution. Even after long car drives or flights and even when I’m getting home at midnight, a few minutes are always spent foam rolling and using the trigger point ball and I’m definitely in better shape the next day!

Versatile Clothing

I always have my Furgler 2.0 training shorts, Olperer T-Shirt and running socks in my bag. I love that this outfit is so versatile meaning I can wear it when I go out for my morning Espresso, on the way to the swimming pool, in the gym and of course, on a run. Added to that, thanks to the super fast-drying recycled materials, I can clean the clothes in any hotel room or even on the go and they’ll be 100% ready to wear again!

My favourite energy gel

Especially when I’m traveling, good nutrition comes short sometimes. So, in order to still being able to go full gas in a training session, fast energy can be exactly what is needed. 

Instant Recovery Food

While protein bars are not normally my favourite choice because of the high sugar content, the Veganz organic cookie dough-style protein bar has a reasonable amount of protein while tasting just like your favourite kind of sweets could taste. On top of that, all Veganz products are plant-based. 

Dietary Supplements

There’s a big hype around dietary supplements, especially for those who are plant-based like me. With proper nutrition, vegans can get all necessary nutrients from a good diet but that can change when you’re not at home. When I’m not cooking and not having a real influence on where I go to eat because I'm traveling, I know the following day will be a hard and difficult day.

I try to be as prepared as possible and carry the following vitamin and mineral supplements: iron, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids. When choosing vitamin and mineral supplements, don’t go for the cheapest choice. Rather go for some that are completely natural.

Read why magnesium is essential for athletes here.

Reusable Water Bottle

Sundried’s reusable water bottle is stylish, leak-proof and chemical-free. Made from advanced Tritan plastic it won’t break yet feels and looks like glass. With 750ml capacity, I’m able to do the extra hour and don’t have to drink my water combined with softeners. Great item to always have on board and it's good for the environment as it reduces the need for single-use plastic bottles!

About the author: David Rother is a Team GB Age Group triathlete and Sundried ambassador.

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