Lee Preston Athlete Ambassador
Lee is a road cyclist who has worked hard to improve his results this season. He talks to Sundried about tough races and overcoming setbacks.
Have you always been into sport?
What made you decide to enter the world of cycling?
I decided to take up road cycling after injuring my knees at work. It is a low impact sport but is a very high intense cardio and strength workout which keeps you fit, strong and healthy while reducing risk of further injury.
What’s been your favourite race to date and why?
Having just finished my first season racing in Crits, my favourite was the last one I did where I found myself leading most of the race.
And your proudest achievement?
Starting and finishing last early in the season to finishing with the lead pack at the end of the season and looking to build on this ready for next season.
Have you ever had any racing disasters/your toughest race yet?
Luckily enough I haven't had any disasters as yet (touching wood), but my toughest race was where I found myself just behind a huge crash which I had to avoid by going off track but managed to stay on the bike. I had to work hard to catch the pack but using everything I had I made it in under a lap.
How do you overcome setbacks?
I use setbacks as lessons learned, but get straight back to work and be the best I can be.
What is the best bit of advice you wish someone had told you before you started competing?
Make sure you have recovery days.
What are your goals for 2018
Maintain a good level of fitness before winter training starts early 2019.
Who do you take your inspiration from?
Nobody, we all have different stories which make us who we are and I want to do it my way.
What do you like about Sundried and what’s your favourite bit of our kit?
The men's trisuit and cycling socks.