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Maxwell Buchanan Junior Ambassador

Maxwell Buchanan Junior Ambassador Triathlon Sundried Activewear

Sundried triathlete ambassador running

Maxwell is a young athlete with big dreams. He talks to Sundried about training and racing.

Have you always been into sport? 

I've loved sport since I was young. I've been running ever since I can remember and it's become a big part of my life; I don't know where I would be without it.

How did you first get into triathlon?

I decided to enter the world of triathlon three years ago and move away from playing football because I loved the idea of doing a more fitness-based sport and I'd heard great things about it from friends.

What’s been your best race to date? 

My favourite race would have to be the Sudbury triathlon this year. It was a great day and a lovely course. I finished in first after being second off the bike and right up until the last 200m of the run when I took 1st place. Following on from that my proudest achievement ever would be coming second in the independent schools association's national triathlon. It was a very tight race and after crashing on the bike and losing 4 places, managing to claw them back was such a great feeling. 

Have you ever had any racing disasters/your toughest race yet? 

I have had my fair share of racing disasters, crashing twice during races and having a number belt break during a race. My toughest race yet has definitely been the East Essex triathlon with the bumpiest bike course you'll ever encounter and when you're racing in 30 degree heat it's not easy!

How do you overcome setbacks? 

I overcome setbacks in training and injury as I am a Christian by praying and also foam rolling and lots of stretching if it's an injury. If I'm struggling in training I would step off for a day or two then go back and see how I am doing. 

What advice do you wish you'd been given before you started competing? 

When I started triathlon I wish I had been told that it's okay to have off days and not always feel 100% on race day. Everyone has days when they are just not on their best form. That would be what I would have loved to have been told when I first started. 

What are your goals for 2020?

My goals for 2020 are to compete in the triathlon super series and try to finish top 20 in my age category. 

Who do you take inspiration from?

I take my inspiration from many people, one of whom is one of my coaches, who is 73 and still races Ironman triathlons and competed in Kona last year. 

What do you like about Sundried and what’s your favourite bit of our kit?

I love the products Sundried makes and the eco-friendly materials they use. My favourite piece of kit so far is the Olperer T-shirt. It is so light and ventilated and is great to run in. I did a 5km run recently in 28°c and I barely got sweaty! It's great and I highly recommend it. 

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