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Lindsay Buck - Athlete Ambassador

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Shop Sundried's Cycling Collection

Have you always been into sport?

Yes! I've loved all sports since I was young. At school I played netball, basketball, badminton, and particularly loved athletics in the summer. This continued through college and uni. Then I started running once I left uni, and loved that too!

How did you first get into triathlon?

I have an identical twin sister who is on the Age Group GB triathlon team this year. She persuaded me to try a super sprint triathlon in 2019 - the year we turned 40. She’s way better than me, but it’s the one thing we do together, so it's really special to take part together. I love it!

If you are interested in getting into Triathlon, Sundried's kit is suitable for beginners as well as seasoned athletes. We have both men's and women's options available. 

What has been your favourite race to date and why?

I think my favourite race has got to be the second London Marathon I did in 2017. I took a whole hour off my previous time in 2011!

What is your proudest achievement?

My proudest achievement I think is the Hampton Court Palace half marathon in 2019. My son was 11 months old at the time and woke at least 20 times the night before the race. I barely slept at all. It would have been so easy not to go, but I did it, and I was so proud!

Have you ever had any racing disasters?

Yes! I’ve only ever done 2 triathlons so far, and the swimming leg on both of them was horrific!! The first time was a 400m and I’d only swum in open water once before the event. It turns out that a pool and a lake are VASTLY different!! I was panicky, the water was almost black, and I found it hard to breathe. Then the swim leg of the second triathlon I did was terrible too. I thought I had prepared well, as I'd been open water swimming every week for at least 8 weeks prior but it was freezing. I panicked again and the cold water completely took my breath away. I have never been so pleased to get out of a lake as on that day!!

How do you overcome setbacks?

This is a big one, as I'm a complete perfectionist!! Fortunately I recognise that about myself, and I try not to be too hard on myself. I think just getting straight back in to whatever it was, and keeping on practising, is the best way. After my 2nd disastrous open water swim in the Hever triathlon, I was so disappointed in how the swim went, but I was determined not to give up and not to let the water get the better of me. I went to my local lake every week that I could after that, to get used to the cold. I was the first customer back when it opened in March 2021 and the water was 7.5 degrees!

What advice do you wish you'd been given when you first started out?

Swim in cold water as much as possible!! It’s the only way to get used to it.

What are your goals?

I'm doing the Henley Mile swim this July, and then the Serpentine 2 mile swim in September. One day I'd like to try a half Ironman.

Who inspires you?

My sister Katie, as she's an awesome triathlete! Also anyone who finds the strength to keep going - even in the face of adversity.

Why work with Sundried?

I love the huge range of Sundried clothes for each sport. They're beautiful to look at, super comfortable, ethical, and affordable. The whole package!

To hear more from our ambassadors and get free tips on workout plans and more, connect with the Sundried Personal Trainers on our app.

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