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Kristina Barrett-Hayes Junior Athlete Ambassador

Kristina Barrett-Hayes Junior Athlete Ambassador

cycling triathlete bike

Kristina has sport running through her blood and has been lucky enough to have support from not only friends and family but Olympians too. She talks to Sundried about life as a junior triathlete.

Have you always been into sport?

Yes since a very young age I have been doing a variety of sports; always purely for fun until mid-2017 when I started training more seriously for triathlon.

What made you decide to enter the world of triathlon?

A friend invited me to join her for a triathlon trials day as she didn’t want to go alone so I joined and enjoyed the day so much that I decided to start doing triathlon.

What’s been your favourite race to date and why?

My favourite race this season was the 2018 FLTRI Indoor Aquathlon in Luxembourg.  I enjoyed it as it is a great venue and it was my first international race.

And your proudest achievement?

Gaining entrance to the National Sports School to be able to combine triathlon and schooling.

Have you ever had any racing disasters / your toughest race yet?

I had a collision and nasty fall at the start of an 800m running race at the age of 10 at a national youth competition.  Although I was in pain and was clearly out of the race by the time I had got back to my feet I just wanted to run and complete the race so I did so running the distance alone. 

running triathlete fitness

How do you overcome setbacks?

By not taking them too seriously as I was always told to just go enjoy the sport so I focus on the enjoyment and the experience.

What is the best bit of advice you wish someone had told you before you started competing?

Luckily I don’t need such a wish. I was told by my big sister that primarily it is about fun and providing a foundation for a healthy and strong body throughout my life.

What are your goals for 2018?

To constantly improve and gain racing experience.

Who do you take your inspiration from?

Former elite triathlete and Olympian Liz May is a close family friend and big sister – she has been a big inspiration to me.

What do you like about Sundried and what’s your favourite bit of our kit?

All Sundried clothes fit so well and look great.  My favourite is the women's triathlon suit – it is so comfortable!

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