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Colette McGonigle - Athlete Ambassador

Shop Sundried's Running Collection

Shop Sundried's Running Collection

Have you always been involved in sport?

Being involved in sport has always been a significant part of my life. Since I was young my parents encouraged me to become involved in as many activities as possible. From this encouragement I have grown to love a multitude of sports; predominantly gymnastics, athletics, cycling and water sports being my favourite. 

How did you get into triathlon? 

I have been a gymnast for many years and after I left my gymnastics club, I wanted to participate in a sport that continued to challenge me physically and mentally. At the time my brother was training for an Ironman and observing the dedication, challenge and commitment towards the sport made me want to give it a go. For that reason, within the last four years I have pursued triathlon and have become a keen road cyclist, which I have developed a huge passion for. I now regularly compete in triathlons which I enjoy immensely and I look forward to the next competition with the endeavour to beat my previous time.

If you are interested in getting into Triathlon, Sundried's kit is suitable for beginners as well as seasoned athletes. We have both men's and women's options available. 

What has been your favourite race to date and why?

I would have to say my local sprint triathlon has been my favourite so far. It was my first ever triathlon where I gained this sense of accomplishment and feeling proud of my effort. Since then I’ve had this desire to develop and progress in the sport.

What’s your proudest achievement? 

My proudest achievement would have to be becoming a Sports lecturer. When I’m not participating in sport I teach and inspire others as a Sport and Fitness lecturer. From my teaching experience this has ultimately shown me a real appreciation of sport and fitness in Education. 

Have you had any racing disasters?

I’ve been very lucky not to have had any racing disasters.

How do you overcome setbacks?

I look at setbacks as an opportunity to learn and retry. There are times in training and competing where you’ll want things to work out and it doesn’t, but looking in retrospect I have learned to understand why it didn’t happen for me in that moment. I always keep in mind that you’ll gain this inner confidence and self assurance that has been created by overcoming your setbacks – so you’ve just got to keep pushing forward and stay focused. 

What advice do you wish you’d been given when you first started out?

  • To keep moving forward and don’t let your mind dictate what is and isn’t possible for you. 
  • To be thankful for the times you succeed and the times you don’t. 
  • To always embrace every opportunity, every sporting event and your triathlon journey. 
  • Most importantly, always be proud of your effort!

What are your goals? 

Oh I have far too many, so I’ve included my triathlon aspirations:

  • Complete an Ironman
  • Place in the top 5 at my local triathlon 
  • Develop a better swimming technique and increase speed.
  • I love taking on new challenges – new experiences at different events/distances
  • Overall expand my professional knowledge within triathlon.

Who inspires you?

For me being around people who are passionate about what they do makes you feel encouraged, good about yourself and inspired. Therefore, I find inspiration from my family, a variety of people and things that make me happy. But, I would have to say the person who most greatly inspires me has been my wonderful mother. My mother is my best friend, she is very hard working, very kind, motivates me and is always smiling. I hope to inspire others and be a good role model the way my mother has been for me.

Why work for Sundried 

I was initially drawn to Sundried Clothing because I have heard so much positive feedback about their commitment to the designing of their clothes - long lasting, high quality and great comfort; so I had to try it out for myself. I was immediately impressed with the brilliant designs, especially the seamless leggings and their power sports bra, plus their triathlon clothing have a comprehensive approach to design, fabrics and comfort, which I very much love and appreciate.

If you have the opportunity to contribute with Sundried and connect with the brands vision and values, I would highly recommend this opportunity. Sundried encourages innovation, attracts everyone who has a shared passion for sport and fitness and additionally, has a positive outlook for sportswear. I am excited to have an opportunity to work for Sundried and I am looking forward to working together to show everyone the incredible work Sundried have achieved.

To hear more from our ambassadors and get free tips on workout plans and more, connect with the Sundried Personal Trainers on our app.

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