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Emma Austin Athlete Ambassador

Emma Austin Athlete Ambassador-Sundried Activewear

Team GB Age Group triathlete

Emma is a Team GB Age Group triathlete who has worked very hard to get where she is today. She tells Sundried about her journey.

Tell us about your fitness journey, where did it all start?

My fitness journey started when I was just 6 years old. I have always been a keen swimmer and I have swum since I was 6 years old and then started to compete at the age of 9. I was a competitive swimmer throughout my teenage years until I found my love for running when I was 14. I used to run for fun, taking part in the odd competition every now and then. I got picked up in Year 10 at school as a good runner and they pushed me to join a club. This is when I decided triathlon was the way forward for me and I joined my local triathlon club, St Helens. I bought my first road bike when I was 16 and my triathlon journey began from there.

Since then, I have progressed an unbelievable amount. From being a complete novice in April 2017 when I competed in my first race to qualifying for the GBR age group team in May 2018. This is when my triathlon journey really began! I have competed in various events across the UK in my 2-3 years as a triathlete, winning at national Championships and age group events.

In July 2019, I competed in my first international triathlon race which was the European Sprint Championships in Kazan, Russia. This was my first time racing at international level so I had my head focused on the experience rather than pressuring myself to place highly in my age group. I was shocked when I crossed the finish line in 1st place, all my hard work had paid off.

What are your goals now?

My fitness goals are to progress specifically in running. I am working hard to get a sub 20-minute 5k. My bike strength has improved the most out of all three disciplines and another one of my goals is to cycle a sub 30-minute 20k.

What advice do you wish you'd been given when you first started out?

Advice that I wish I had been given when I first started out is to practise bike to run sessions more as I had the shock of my life in my first race when I experienced jelly legs on the run!

How do you stay motivated?

To keep motivated, I find having a strict routine really helps me. On a Sunday evening, I will plan my week ahead which includes training, college and work as well as free time for myself. I make a timetable for myself and I stick it up on my notice board for that week. The timetable helps me to stay focused as I will write down what time I will train each day and I stick to it. This keeps me disciplined.

Talk us through your training regime.

My training consists of 12 training sessions a week which are 3 swims, 3 bikes, 2 runs and 2 gym strength and conditioning sessions. This is all structured around my college and work commitments. I am currently studying Level 3 sports science at college and I work as a lifeguard every weekend.

Do you follow a specific diet?

I don’t have a strict diet as I think it is important that I allow myself some treats due to the high demand of my lifestyle. When I am training, I stick to foods that will benefit me and then I usually allow myself a treat at the weekend. If I could eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be chicken... you just can’t beat it!

Why work with Sundried?

One thing that I really like about Sundried clothing is the quality. It’s amazing! I also love the wide variety of clothing that Sundried has available. It suits me for both training and general lifestyle wear.

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