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George Pearse Personal Trainer

George Pearse Personal Trainer

George Pearse Personal Trainer

From lawsuits to yoga mats. George Pearse tells us how he made one of the biggest transformations we’ve ever heard to follow a career he loves. From solicitor to personal trainer.

Tell us about your journey to fitness? Where did it all start?

I've always been pretty active, playing team sports at school and running cross country. It was when I started working as a solicitor that sport became really important though. I found being seated all day - sometimes all night! - didn't suit my personality so I looked into doing a personal training course. 2 years later and despite a few bumps in the road, I can genuinely say I've no regrets about leaving!

What are your training goals now?

They're constantly changing as I discover new ways of training and new points of interest. I was massively into running last year and did the London Marathon. I found it really took its toll on my body though, which led me to yoga. I can't get enough of that at the moment! I'm pretty focussed on learning to headstand.

Tell us one unusual fact we wouldn’t know about you:

I'm studying for a masters in psychotherapy.

What would future you, tell yourself when you were starting out?

It's all about the confidence, kid.

Do you follow a specific nutrition plan? If so, what/when do you eat?

I've always found the nutrition side of exercise difficult. Chiefly because I'm so greedy! Where I see best results in my performance in the gym / running / yoga even is always when I've eaten 'well'. That means the right blend of good fats, proteins and non-starchy carbs. I always find that a big breakfast really keeps me full through until lunch. What works for one person doesn't always have the same impact elsewhere, so it's a case of trial and error.  

George Pearse Running

What do you do to keep your clients motivated? Do you have any top tips to keep motivated?

I think trying to focus your training around a certain goal is a pretty bog standard industry piece of advice but it's commonplace for a reason - and that's because it works! Whether it's taking time off your 10k time, introducing regular exercise, losing a few pounds - start small, realistic and achievable!  

Talk us through your training regime.

I take 2 HIIT classes a week and then a circuit / stretch class on top of that. I also get in a 10k each weekend, which I find really keeps my stress down. I've also got a weekly yoga class I do, with the fantastic Bonny at YogaNest in Bethnal Green - thoroughly recommend!  

How do you keep your fitness knowledge up to date?

I work with some awesome trainers at a private PT Studio called PT Boutique just off Broadway Market in East London. We share ideas and knowledge amongst each other - I've got so much still to learn but great to feel like I'm constantly picking up new things.  

What are your top 3 trainer tips?

  1. Consistency. It's pretty straight forward, if you want results, this is absolutely key.
  2. Keep your body guessing. Increase the weight, change the pace, slow the reps down...keep your routine full of variety.
  3. Set small goals that you're regularly reassessing to keep you engaged and on track.

If you could only do one workout for the rest of your life, what would it be?

HIIT half hours. These classes are just a whirl of activity with loads of variety...for some reason that really does it me!  

What are your training goals?

I want to run a sub 1.30 half marathon and I've got to get that headstand nailed.

Why work with Sundried?

I was made up when they got in touch about the ambassador role. It's a quality product that I am proud to put my name behind. It's carefully curated clobber that not only looks fantastic, but it performs brilliantly too.  

Favorite fitness quote:

It's on a meme and reminds me of my relationship with exercise and food...goes along the lines of 'Squats down...into the fridge. Fitness'

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