How To Eat Clean While Travelling: Isobag Review
Staying healthy while travelling can be very tough and can undo a lot of hard work. If you travel a lot for work or if you're just going for a weekend away, trying to plan your meals and food prep can be very stressful. That's where the Isobag comes in with a solution to your problems.
What is meal prep?
When you’re at home, you can stock your cupboards with all the right foods to keep you on track. Fresh vegetables and lean meat are easily accessed and the scales are on the side to weigh out your exact macronutrient requirements. You know exactly what you're going to eat and when so there is no risk of going off-track or having a slip-up. However, when you need to go away for a few days, it can be far too easy to opt for an easier option like fast food or an unhealthy snack from the local shop. That's why meal prep is so important; so that you know you've got your healthy food with you ready to go and in the correct portions.
How does meal prep stay fresh?
The Isobag I bought fits 6/8 containers and comes with 12. I’ve left 6 perfectly untouched so that once the 6 I use daily show signs of wear and tear, I have brand new ones ready. This means on Sunday night I meal prep 6 meals, 2 in the bag, 2 in the fridge and 2 in the freezer. I wouldn’t recommend keeping meals for longer than 3 days and be particularly careful of meat, even refrigerated, food can still go off.
Of course, it depends on which foods you decide to prep. Fruit and vegetables stay fresher if you keep them cool, which is one of the features that the Isobag offers. Fresh meat should be eaten within 1 day of being prepared, but this will also stay fresh in the cool compartments of the Isobag. If you are prepping food 2 or 3 days in advance, you should keep them in your fridge at home until you need them. Alternatively, you can freeze foods which will last a lot longer.
Isobag Review
Taking your meal prep to work or for a weekend away can be a hassle. Endless Tupperware containers with lost lids and bottles of sticky liquids spilling all over your bag. That's why the Isobag is such a saviour. No spills, no leaks, and all your food in one easily-accessible place. This review is of the 6-meal Isobag from Isolator Fitness.
What you get:
- The Isobag: 18"x9"x8" (LxWxH)
- Weight: 4.5lbs.
- 6 - 16oz Containers
- 2 - 12oz Container
- 2 - 28oz Container
- 2 - 38oz Container
- 3 - Ice Packs
- 1 - Shoulder Strap
The bag comes with 12 containers, a detachable shoulder strap and 3 large ice blocks.

The containers are all BPA-free, microwavable, and are dishwasher- and freezer-friendly. There are ice block holders to either side of the main cool bag, as well as a further attachable ice pack holder which can divide the main section in two for extra cooling. I find you can either opt for less cooling and larger meals or more cooling but smaller meal containers, however even the ‘small’ containers still have plenty of room. The bag fits a maximum of 8 fresh meals at any time, 6 in the main compartment and two in the zip up top, plenty for a weekend away.
The bag itself may be large, but it looks the part and is comfortable to carry. I opted for black as I didn’t want to bring too much attention to myself and I’d say the bag looks like a gym bag, albeit a rather large one. The material is durable, standing the rigour of daily use and it even survives in our wet English weather, making sure my meals aren't soggy.The top storage compartment is perfect for supplements and cutlery, as well as being isolated should it need to be used for further meals.The side pockets hold a 2-litre water bottle, flask or protein shaker.
The bag is very well designed, prepared for all your nutritional needs. It’s simple to setup and easy to carry. The ice blocks themselves need freezing for a few hours, but the gel keeps food cold for up to 16 hours. I’ve taken the bag away overnight and everything’s remained fresh after 24 hours, but it depends on what your food is and the temperature of your external environment also.
Isobag Verdict
I think meal prep bags such as this one get a lot of fame as being just for bodybuilders or those preparing to compete, but actually, this is a great addition for anyone who is trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. My meals are prepped, cooled and best of all, don’t leak!