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Thorpe Park Triathlon Series

Race and Events Thorpe Park Triathlon Series Sundried Activewear
Thorpe Park Triathlon

Date: 9th June and 15th September 2019

Location: Thorpe Park, Staines Rd, Chertsey, KT16 8PN

Event Type and distance:

Sprint Distance Triathlon 750m swim - 21km bike - 5km run

Standard Distance Triathlon 1500m swim - 39.5km bike - 10km run

Amenities: Reduced entry price to Thorpe Park, event t-shirt, prizes, medals, chip timing

Entry Price: From £50

The Thorpe Park Triathlon will see 1,000 athletes complete a great race around the famous amusement park in Chertsey, Surrey. Once finished, Thorpe Park will also offer reduced ticket rates for competitors and their friends and family at £20. 

Now in its 5th year, organisers Tri Project are really pleased to announce that this event has been included as part of the British Triathlon Major Events Programme as a GB Age Group Team Qualifier for the ETU Sprint Distance Triathlon European Championships in 2018.

The course is fast and flat and great fun to race around this iconic amusement park. The swim takes racers through the surrounding lakes of Thorpe Park, and the bike route takes them out into the scenic lanes of surrounding Longcross and around Chobham Common park. The run is then a quick spin around the island on which the theme park sits.

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