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Stirling Sprint Duathlon 2019

Triathlon Stirling Sprint Duathlon 2019 Sundried Activewear

After having not raced since European Championships last August and having just returned from 3 weeks intensive training in Spain, I really wasn’t expecting much from Sunday’s race. I had entered the Stirling Sprint Duathlon on a bit of a whim as I was really missing the buzz of racing and these guys always put on a good race. I was still pretty fatigued from a big block of training but was happy just to get out there, enjoy taking part and be happy with just being involved with the race atmosphere again. 

Turns out we were blessed with the most beautiful day, a really scenic run course and perfect race conditions - what’s not to love? 

Once I got going I realised I was in far better shape than I had expected and was delighted to place 2nd overall on the day, narrowly beaten to 1st by 7 seconds! 

Stirling Duathlon finishers

Most importantly, I just loved racing again and can’t wait for the next one, whenever that may be (I’m not that organised this year!)

About the author: Donna McHugh is a Team GB Age Group triathlete and Sundried ambassador. 

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