Jordi Martin Triathlete
Jordi is a Spanish Triathlete who has achieved fantastic things. He talks to Sundried about his motivations as an athlete and his goals and aspirations for the future.
Have you always been into sport?
I have been involved in swimming and water polo since I was 9 years old. I started in triathlon two years ago, but a shoulder injury prevented me from continuing until now. After having an operation, I am starting to train and challenge myself.
What has been your best race to date?
My best race that I remember is the last one I did, crossing the Illes Medes.
And your most proud achievement?
My first championship swimming competition in Catalunya, against all odds I came first.
Have you ever had a career disaster / your hardest race yet?
My biggest disaster was to train for over a year only to come last in the 50m freestyle swimming championship in Spain.
How do you overcome setbacks?
It is not a question of overcoming them, I use setbacks to learn and improve.
What is the best advice you would wish someone had told you before you started competing?
To trust in myself and my abilities more.
What are your goals for 2017?
My goals for 2017 are to complete the Gavà Triathlon in Spain, Barcelona Triathlon, and Radikalswim Costa Brava.
Who do you take your inspiration from?
I take inspiration from those who help and support me and give me the strength to continue, especially my wife Anna and my son Didac.
What do you like about Sundried?
I love that Sundried use excellent quality materials and are premium. Their range is fantastic and great for triathletes.