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Clacton Triathlon

Race and Events Clacton Triathlon Sundried Activewear

Clacton Triathlon Sundried

Date: 7th & 8th September 2019

Location: Holland Haven Country Park, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, CO15 5UB

Event Type and Distance: Off-Road Standard, Sprint, and Super Sprint Triathlon

Amenities: Chip timing, secure transition, paid parking, medals, prizes

Entry Price: From £38

The Clacton Triathlon is in its 19th year and will see athletes compete in aid of the Brain & Spine Foundation; they have raised around £90,000 for the charity so far which is a fantastic effort.

On Saturday there is an off-road Sprint Triathlon and an off-road Super Sprint Triathlon. On Sunday, the event is a Standard (Olympic) Distance Triathlon meaning it consists of a 1500m swim, a 40km bike, and a 10km run.

The swim is an open sea swim starting in waist-deep water. The competitors will swim out and around fixed markers. Full safety cover is provided.

The Standard Distance bike section takes racers around rural and country roads. The Sprint and Super Sprint are 'off road' bike courses. All course directions will be fully displayed en route.

The run will take competitors along the promenade and seafront paths between Holland Haven and Clacton Pier with great views of the beautiful seaside town.

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